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Visual Art

Advanced Painting Class: Still Life

Advanced Painting Class: Still Life

Hello! This post will be about a small still life painting project that I did in class. 

This project was a short one, since it was a done on a cute little canvas (which my teacher taught me how to make!). Using some stretcher bars, cotton canvas, some gesso for priming, and s little bit of patience, the canvas was done and ready to be painted on!

I decided to make a still life painting of this adorable mason jar that I found in the class room. I've never painted jars before, so I wanted to try it our as a challenge!

For this painting, I tried out a new technique that I've never done before: I did a burnt umber underpainting by smothering linseed oil and paint onto the canvas, and "sketched" out the rough shapes and values of the still life with a rag. It was messy, but super fun!

Once the underpainting was dry, I started painting the still life object. The two main colors of my painting are a turquoise-cerulean blue and burnt umber (I didn't expect these two colors to work so well together!).

It took me about four days to finish it. If I could change it or create another replica, I would definitely change the composition into a view that is much more interesting (rather than have it right smack in the middle...).

But overall, I had lots of fun with this project! This was my first ever attempt at making an oil painting of a still life object (and glass!), and I can't wait to dive into more new techniques throughout the year.

Advanced Painting Class: Interior/Portrait #1

Advanced Painting Class: Interior/Portrait #1

Wow, has it been 2 years since I updated this blog? That's insane.

Well, it's about time I posted something related to my work, so here it is! This post is going to be different from the previous ones that I made in 2015. Two years ago, I was mostly experimenting with Blender so I only posted about the progress of making my 3D models.

This time, however, I'll be posting about my progress in my advanced painting class! I'm currently taking an advanced painting class in my high school as a senior, so I'll be posting some "Works in Progress" (or WIP) posts on my paintings throughout the year!

Alright, enough backstory. Let's dive in!

I am required to do a series of paintings that relate to a common theme (which can be anything, really), and since I'm a huge fan of horror, I decided on making a series that centers around the genre of horror.

My first painting will be one of my wildest experiments ever: it will be a creepy "melting" portrait. I decided to name it "You." (There is a deep story and meaning behind that title and the painting, but I wanted to keep it obscure for a little more mystery...)

I first created a physical reference for my painting by printing out one of my digital sketches.

I didn't get too much done for the first class session, but I hope to finish the distorted face by the end of the next session.

Yes, I know it looks quite gory and creepy... but It's a new style that I'm experimenting with! I was inspired by the gorgeous art from one of my favorite horror games ever, Layers of Fear.

After that, I lightly sketched it out with my pencil onto a 16 by 12 inch canvas.

After roughly sketching it out, I started painting the left eye socket to have a feel of the new oil paints that I purchased. I also roughly painted a medium-toned color for the background so that I can gauge the tone of the colors correctly.

As I progressed with the painting, I decided to make a change: I got rid of the hair and decided to keep the head "open" and partially empty. I might even add a melting brain in there...

Because I'll be making this into a painting with an interior include, I will be adding a background of a bathroom over the black background.

Alright, I'll be ending the post here. I will make an update post on this painting soon. My next post will be on my small still life painting, so stay tuned!